Best of all, you can check it out for free if you like...
Dear Fellow Freedom Lover,
If you've ever wanted to learn to defend the U S Constitution (our Nation's founding document) against all enemies... foreign and domestic... then this will be the most exciting letter you've ever read!
Here's why:
What I have to tell you involves the scandal that the Constitutions ideological opponents have been force-feeding the American public through government schools and the media for the last fifty years.
And what about the US constitution impeachment process?
It's a cover up that -- if you are like most Patriotic Americans I know -- has you not just concerned... but perhaps even upset. This campaign of disinformation has robbed us of our true Christian heritage and right now... threatens to enslave our children and our grandchildren. (US Constitution for kids)
The upshot of all this is that we have been sold down the river by hucksters who hate this country origins and it's time for every God-fearing American to get serious about reclaiming our Nation's precious heritage. I hope you are as concerned as I am, because I want to hand you the ultimate "US Constitution Crash Course" for turning the tables on the enemies of our way of life.
It's much more than a primer on the US Constitution impeachment issue.
Here's what this is all about:
I want to help you to fight back with a new "home study" program designed to help any red-blooded American wage an all-out war in the battle for truth. This is powerful information the "other side" hope you never, ever get your hands on. Because once it's in your possession, you'll be unstoppable in any argument about our country's Christian history and especially the linchpin to restore the republic... the US Constitution itself. Have you ever wondered?
Were the founding fathers Christians?
Well, it's high time real Patriots learn to discuss and debate with devastating arguments like these...
Right now the United States is perched precariously upon a thousand-foot cliff, and it's about to sail off the edge into an abyss of suffocating chaos. The goal seems to be the destruction of any last know remnants of the...
US Constitution and Christianity
Between the cold-hearted bureaucrats and the pork-barrel politicians, it's a miracle that the whole thing hasn't come unwound already! But you don't need me to tell you big-money power brokers are ruining our country and destroying our freedoms. Just look around you...
Do our kids know the US Constitution? Is it even taught in schools any longer?
And we're supposed to sit back and accept this phony and fallacious fake news that says the highest law of the land no longer matters...
No, a thousand times... No!
Edmund Burke once said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Now, I don't know about you, but there's no way I'm going to sit back and let the liberals take over my country.
Us Constitution and Christianity Matters!
I'm not going to fiddle while Rome burns, and I hope you won't either.
And that's why I've put together what I consider the most important information regarding the US Constitution ever assembled in one place. So what about the...
US Constitution impeachment law?
This home study program does not favor the Progressives or any of the power-hungry politicians in Washington. In fact, this rare, "myth-busting" collection brings new evidence to light “ evidence they hope Americans never discover because it blows gaping holes in their revisionist history! Even better, it guarantees you'll be able to reverse the attacks so you'll come out the winner in any debate about where our freedoms truly come from.
Please know... US Constitution is for kids too! This Course makes it easy!
Here's a sample of some of the shocking things you'll discover:
In fact... the deeper you dig, the more you realize that history has been completely rewritten. But probably most shocking of all, you'll discover that...
All the unthinking modernist and liberal lackeys would like us to believe that the Founding Fathers were all deists who were strongly influenced by the Greeks and Enlightenment. They've completely whitewashed history to convince us that the Founding Fathers worshiped the god of Reason. And believe me, this isn't an accident. They have obscured the truth in order to rob your children and your grandchildren of their inheritance under God.
The evidence clearly shows that the Founding Fathers were predominantly Christian. Even the handful of deists among them supported Christianity and gave money for the building of churches!
Get this: Out of the 13 most influential Founding Fathers, almost all of them were Christian and 100% of them believed in a single God and Creator who is active among the affairs of men!
The US Constitution and Christianity have the same roots
Now more than ever, the citizens of this once great nation need to know the truth. We desperately need to return to the Christian republic that is clearly outlined in the U.S. Constitution. Learn about...
Bible references in the US Constitution
Sources That explain... The US Constitution and Christianity
Will you help me bring real change to America? Will you let me give you the crucial discussion points you need to destroy liberal arguments?
As we join forces and unite against the growing tide of liberalism taking over our country, we can make a real difference. Armed with facts like these, you'll be able to take on any debaters on issues concerning the US Constitution...
Close up shot of the preamble to the Constitution of the United States with flames beginning with "We the People".
The deadly "who cares" zeitgeist that's spreading like a cancer through the United States is bad enough, but something far worse is happening... something so evil, so sinister that the founding fathers would be rolling over in their graves if they caught the faintest whiff of it. I hope by now you're picking up why I beleive with all my heart...
The US Constitution and Christianity are indelibly connected!
And that we must connect the US Constitution for kids so they know the truth.
Think about the epic decision to remove prayer from our schools. This was a major blow to our Christian nation, but it pales in comparison to what's happening now, right underneath our noses...
It's been a gradual process, but it's been accelerating at a pace never before seen. Will our cultural enemies stop at nothing to destroy what's left of our precious Constitution.
Sure... the US Constitution Impeachment process gets traction if it can be used for ideological purposes.
In fact, starting at the very top with many past US Presidents, it seems like the assaults on our country's foundational document are never ending: when your obstinate brother-in-law is pushing his hare-brained liberal agenda over a holiday dinner...
...or when an bed-wetting liberal calls in to a radio show and says the Constitution is getting in the way of hope change and "progress"...
...or when a co-worker tries to convince you that big government social programs are necessary in the 21st Century...
Finally, you'll be able to overwhelm these pathetic political wannabes with a 100% dose of pure truth! When you deal out the facts, you'll be able to...
Demonstrate the biblical worldview of the US Constitution
Answer the question... is God mentioned in the US Constitution?
Are our laws based on religion in America?
What are about the founding fathers and freedom of religion
us constitution and christianity
This is not a call for revolution or revolt, but rather a call to vigilance and to the study and protection of our sacred roots. Historian John Eidsmoe writes:
"...the Founding Fathers did not see themselves as radicals trying to overthrow the existing order to create something new. Rather, they saw themselves as conservatives defending the traditional order..."
Do you consider yourself a true Patriot? Do you believe in defending the roots of our great nation? You do? Good! Then there is no better way to do it than with this artillery of truth...
Patrick Henry giving his famous "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speech.
And there is much, much more you will learn. For instance, why the Founding Fathers absolutely hated democracy... what they really intended to accomplish by giving power to the federal government... and why they would... of course... be totally disgusted with 21st Century politics.
us constitution for kids
I don't know about you, but I believe it's time we stopped the disgusting left-wing lies and started telling the truth about America's Christian heritage. And I believe with your help we can do just that.
us constitution and christianity
That's why I've put together this "Crash Course" for American Patriots so they can quickly learn the truth about our Constitution... and start neutralizing the liberal propaganda being force-fed to us in our schools, in the work place, and in the mainstream media.
us constitution impeachment
"The Crash Course on the U.S. Constitution" is jam-packed with amazing information and insights. I've made it extremely easy to master this important information.
I sincerely believe there is no better or faster way to start beating liberals at their own game. In fact...
The teachings and instruction included in the "Crash Course" are by historian John Eidsmoe.
John Eidsmoe is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel and Alabama State Defense Force Colonel, Headquarters Judge Advocate, Deputy Chaplain and Training Officer. He taught at the Thomas Goode Jones School of Law.   He is a Professor of Law at the Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy. He has served as Senior Staff Attorney at the Alabama Supreme Court and is currently Legal Counsel for the Foundation for Moral Law. Eidesmoe is an ordained pastor, constitutional attorney, and author.
us constitution and christianity
He holds five degrees in law, theology, and political science. Not surprisingly, he is one of the most articulate and learned defenders of the conservative, Christian conception of the U.S. Constitution in the world today.
Michele Bachman told me personally John is one of the most important influences in her life. And with this course... you'll discover why!
us constitution and christianity
And fortunately for you and me, he's documented his Constitutional discoveries so we can profit from them too. Here's what you'll get when you order the program:
The Crash Course On The Constitution (a $240.00 value!) by John Eidsmoe
us constitution for kids
This lecture series will take you deep into the relationship between the us constitution and christianity and give you a clearer picture of what our founding fathers really intended. And there's more...
To encourage you to take action and enlist your help in taking back our country from power-hungry liberals I'm going to sweeten the deal considerably.
us constitution and christianity
If you order today, I'll also include a few remarkable bonuses:
Bonus Number One: A free gift with a $50.00 dollar value
You'll also receive three "updated" lectures from John from our radio show. This is vintage material that ranks in the "must listen" of all the radio shows I have ever done. 3 complete MP3 radio shows.
Bonus Number Two: Your free gift worth $50.00 is...
Your also going to get the digital lecture notes and complete outline for this amazing program. This manual is perfect to accompany the crash coursefor class room instruction. You'll love the discussion questions at the end of each chapter. It's perfect for any small group or just teaching your family and friends about the nature of freedom.
When you order the "The Crash Course on the U.S. Constitution: You pay just $99.97 a remarkable savings of 75%!
But Remember... This offer is available exclusively on this web site.
us constitution impeachment
We're extremely proud of "The Crash Course on the U.S. Constitution" and believe that it's unbelievable value for the price. We think you'll agree.
Remember, when you order today, you'll get John Eidsmoe's "Crash Course On The Constitution". These teachings, all by themselves would give you a world-class education on the Constitution and the Christian heritage of American government.
You'll also get the complete MP3 audios of all the Lectures as well as the Crash Course Manual. You'll also get the three bonus lectures. These bonus gifts is valued at $100.00 and they're yours to keep no matter what!
Now, I must confess: "The Crash Course on the U.S. Constitution" won't make you as eloquent as Patrick Henry, or as intellectually gifted as John Adams. But it WILL give you all the "ammo" you need to punch holes in any liberal nonsense about the founding of our great country.
us constitution impeachment
Not only will you come away with a fuller knowledge of the Constitution and the people who created it, but you'll be amazed, encouraged, and then inspired as you read the stories of these great men.
It is a testament to their uncommon character that more than 200 years later they can inspire us to be unselfish in our actions, live more virtuously, and work out our higher calling in this life.
us constitution for kids
christianity and the constitution pdf
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